We have previously shown that 5-fluorouracil (FUra) in humans obeys Michaelis-Menten elimination kinetics. In this article we show that the related bromine and iodine-containing analogs in animals obey similar kinetics. Steady-state arterial (CssA) and hepatic venous plasma (CssV) concentrations of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) are reported for 7 rabbits given 5 different infusion rates of BrdUrd and 5 dogs given 4 or 5 different infusion rates of BrdUrd. Steady-state arterial and hepatic venous plasma concentrations of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IdUrd) are reported for 5 rabbits and 2 dogs given 5 different infusion rates of IdUrd. Each set of data could be fitted by a nonlinear least squares method to the equation: (equation; see text) where Vm/Q is the maximum difference, (CssA) - (CssV), and Km is the Michaelis constant. The estimated parameter Vm/Q and Km are compared for the two drugs and different species and also with the same parameters derived in the same manner from previously published data on fluorouracil in 8 cancer patients. The infusion rate needed to saturate the splanchnic elimination system (Rs in mumol/kg/min) was also estimated. For BrdUrd the mean value of Rs in the rabbit, namely 1.23, and in the dog, namely 1.25 mumol/kg/min are essentially the same.