From 155 cases of uterus rupture observed during 5 years at the CHU of Donka (Conakry), the authors are reminding: a) the high frequency of this obstetrical emergency: 0.74% of child births and 12.76% of the extractions by caesarean section: b) the high rate of maternal mortality: 25.16%. They insist on: 1. The important role of some parameters: socio economic conditions, lack of an appropriate infrastructure and of a qualified staff leading to a lack of obstetrical observation, parity, age of pregnant women, way of recruiting.... 2. The necessity to apply a correct supervision of the pregnant women and of delivery by establishing a good system of prenatal examination. The therapeutic problems, including the future of the mother and of the child are discussed, insisting on the necessity of the chirurgical celerity in case of dystocia.