Introduction: Tobacco use has emerged as a leading killer among persons living with HIV, with effective approaches to tobacco treatment still unknown. HIV infection is nearly 3 times as prevalent in Latinos than in non-Latino Whites. This study reports the results of a randomized trial comparing a tailored intervention to brief counseling for smoking cessation among Latino smokers living with HIV (LSLWH).
Methods: LSLWH (N = 302; 36% female, 10% employed full-time, 49% born in United States) were randomized to 4 in-person sessions of a tailored intervention (Aurora) or 2 in-person sessions of brief advice (enhanced standard care [ESC]). Both groups received 8 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) patch. Biochemically validated 6- and 12-month 7-day point-prevalence abstinence (PPA) rates were compared, along with secondary outcomes (e.g., reduction to light smoking, NRT adherence).
Results: Seven-day PPA rates reached 8% versus 11% at 6 months and 6% versus 7% at 12 months, for Aurora and ESC, respectively, with no between-group differences (p values > .40). Significant changes from baseline to 6 and 12 months among intervention targets were noted (percentage reduction in heavy smoking and dependence; increases in knowledge and self-efficacy). Baseline smoking frequency, older age, and higher intensity of patch use during the trial emerged as significant predictors of abstinence at 6 months.
Conclusions: There was no evidence that the tailored intervention improved cessation rates. Interventions that encourage use of, and adherence to, empirically validated cessation aids require further development to reduce tobacco-related death and disease in this vulnerable population.
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: