Background: Recognition of microorganisms by antibodies is a vital component of the human immune response. However, there is currently very limited understanding of immune recognition of 50 % of the human microbiome which is made up of as yet un-culturable bacteria. We have combined the use of flow cytometry and pyrosequencing to describe the microbial composition of human samples, and its interaction with the immune system.
Results: We show the power of the technique in human faecal, saliva, oral biofilm and breast milk samples, labeled with fluorescent anti-IgG or anti-IgA antibodies. Using Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS), bacterial cells were separated depending on whether they are coated with IgA or IgG antibodies. Each bacterial population was PCR-amplified and pyrosequenced, characterizing the microorganisms which evade the immune system and those which were recognized by each immunoglobulin.
Conclusions: The application of the technique to healthy and diseased individuals may unravel the contribution of the immune response to microbial infections and polymicrobial diseases.