The Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance (MANNA) is a community-based organization providing home-delivered meals in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to individuals at acute nutritional risk and experiencing a life-threatening illness, independent of age or income. The challenge MANNA faces, like other community-based organizations, is to demonstrate effective services by benchmarking with other organizations. This article reports how MANNA benchmarked results of their annual satisfaction survey against the 2013 National Survey of Older Americans Act Program. Overall, MANNA recipients were more often satisfied with the taste and variety of food, and more MANNA recipients rated the program as excellent. However, more MANNA recipients reported not having enough money to buy food, skipping meals because of money, needing to choose between food and medications or food and utilities. MANNA is using these findings as an impetus to better understand the needs of their clients, especially as they transition off the meal program, and to identify additional resources to support transitional programming.
Keywords: community-based organizations; food insecurity; home-delivered meal programs; nutrition outcomes.