Objectives: To assess the recurrence risk of term hypertensive disease of pregnancy and to determine which potential risk factors are predictive of recurrence.
Study design: We performed a retrospective cohort study in two secondary and one tertiary care hospitals in the Netherlands. We identified women with a hypertensive disorder in the index pregnancy and delivery after 37weeks of gestation between January 2000 and December 2002. Data were extracted from medical files and women were approached for additional information on subsequent pregnancies. Adverse outcome was defined as recurrence of a hypertensive disorder in the next subsequent pregnancy.
Main outcome measures: The absolute risk of recurrence and a prediction model containing demographic and clinical factors predictive of recurrence.
Results: We identified 638 women for potential inclusion, of whom 503 could be contacted. Of these women, 312 (62%) had a subsequent pregnancy. Hypertensive disorders recurred in 120 (38%, 95% CI 33-44) women, of whom 15 (5%, 95% CI 3-7) delivered preterm. Women undergoing recurrence were more at risk to develop chronic hypertension after pregnancy (35% versus 16%, OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.5-5.3). Body mass index, non-White European origin, chronic hypertension, maximum diastolic blood pressure, no use of anticonvulsive medication and interpregnancy interval were predictors for recurrence.
Conclusions: Women with hypertensive disorders and term delivery have a substantial chance of recurrence, but a small risk of preterm delivery. A number of predictors for recurrence could be identified and women with a recurrence more often developed chronic hypertension.
Keywords: HELLP-syndrome; Hypertension; Preeclampsia; Pregnancy; Recurrence; SGA.
Copyright © 2014 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.