Nutrition therapy is essential for the management of critically ill patients. Some guidelines have been published to standardize and optimize the nutrition therapy. However, there are still many controversies in nutrition practice and there is a gap between guidelines and clinical nutrition therapy for patients in intensive care units (ICUs). This study aimed to assess attitudes and beliefs toward nutrition therapy of Chinese intensive care physicians by using the American guidelines as a surrogate. A questionnaire was sent to 45 adult ICUs in China, in which surveyed physicians were asked to rate their attitudes toward the American guidelines. A total of 162 physicians from 45 ICUs returned the questionnaires. Physicians were categorized into groups according to their professional seniority, hospital levels and whether they were members of Chinese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (CSPEN). Overall, 94% of the respondents thought that nutrition therapy for critically ill patients was very important, and 80% mentioned that they used the American guidelines. There was diversity of opinion on the recommendations pertaining to nutrition assessment, supplemental parenteral nutrition and cutoff values for gastric residual volume, negative or neutral attitudes about these recommendations were 43%, 59% and 41%, respectively. Members of CSPEN were more likely to select a greater strength of recommendation than non-members. In conclusion, the overall attitudes of Chinese intensive care physicians toward the American guidelines were positive. Nevertheless, given the great guideline-practice gap, nutrition-focused education is warranted for many intensive care physicians in China.
营养治疗对重症患者是必不可少的。为规范和优化营养治疗,近年来有不少机 构出版了营养治疗指南。然而,目前在营养治疗实践中仍存在着不少争议,重 症患者的营养治疗实践与营养指南之间存在着差距。查阅文献资料发现,目前 中国ICU 医生临床营养治疗实际情况的数据十分有限。鉴于美国营养指南被中 国ICU 医生广泛采用,本文旨在借助于美国营养指南来评价中国ICU 医生营养 治疗的理念。我们依据美国营养指南设计了一份调查问卷,并将此问卷通过信 件或邮件的方式发送至中国45 家医院的ICU 进行调查。共有来自此45 家医院 ICU 的162 位医生进行了有效回复。我们分别依据医生的职称、所在医院等级 以及医生是否为中华医学会肠内肠外营养学分会(CSPEN)会员这三方面对该 162 位医生进行分类。总的来说,94%的被调查医生肯定了营养治疗对重症患者 的重要性,80%的医生表示正在使用美国营养指南。调查发现,对于营养状况 评估、补充的肠外营养以及胃残余量截断值的界定这三个方面,被调查医生之 间存在较大争议,对指南意见持否定或中立态度的比例分别为43%、59% 和 41%。与非CSPEN 会员相比,CSPEN 会员对指南意见有更积极的认同度。我们 的研究表明,中国ICU 医生对美国营养指南总体的看法是支持和赞同的,然 而,鉴于指南与实践之间的较大差距,对于中国的大多数ICU 医生而言,有必 要进行针对营养治疗的系统培训。.