The hybrid nature of exciton polaritons opens up possibilities for developing a new concept nonlinear photonic device (e.g., polariton condensation, switching, and transistor) with great potential for controllability. Here, we proposed a novel type of polariton system resulting from strong coupling between a two-dimensional exciton and whispering gallery mode photon using a core-shell GaN/InGaN hexagonal wire. High quality, nonpolar InGaN multiple-quantum wells (MQWs) were conformally formed on a GaN core nanowire, which was spatially well matched with whispering gallery modes inside the wire. Both high longitudinal-transverse splitting of nonpolar MQWs and high spatial overlap with whispering gallery modes lead to unprecedented large Rabi splitting energy of ∼180 meV. This structure provides a robust polariton effect with a small footprint; thus, it could be utilized for a wide range of interesting applications.
Keywords: Exciton polariton; Rabi splitting; core−shell wire; microcavity; strong coupling; whispering gallery mode.