Approaches for controlling illicit tobacco trade--nine countries and the European Union

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 May 29;64(20):547-50.


An estimated 11.6% of the world cigarette market is illicit, representing more than 650 billion cigarettes a year and $40.5 billion in lost revenue. Illicit tobacco trade refers to any practice related to distributing, selling, or buying tobacco products that is prohibited by law, including tax evasion (sale of tobacco products without payment of applicable taxes), counterfeiting, disguising the origin of products, and smuggling. Illicit trade undermines tobacco prevention and control initiatives by increasing the accessibility and affordability of tobacco products, and reduces government tax revenue streams. The World Health Organization (WHO) Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, signed by 54 countries, provides tools for addressing illicit trade through a package of regulatory and governing principles. As of May 2015, only eight countries had ratified or acceded to the illicit trade protocol, with an additional 32 needed for it to become international law (i.e., legally binding). Data from multiple international sources were analyzed to evaluate the 10 most commonly used approaches for addressing illicit trade and to summarize differences in implementation across select countries and the European Union (EU). Although the WHO illicit trade protocol defines shared global standards for addressing illicit trade, countries are guided by their own legal and enforcement frameworks, leading to a diversity of approaches employed across countries. Continued adoption of the methods outlined in the WHO illicit trade protocol might improve the global capacity to reduce illicit trade in tobacco products.

MeSH terms

  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Commerce / legislation & jurisprudence*
  • European Union
  • Health Education
  • Humans
  • Hungary
  • Interinstitutional Relations
  • Italy
  • Law Enforcement / methods*
  • Licensure
  • Malaysia
  • Records
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Taxes
  • Tobacco Industry
  • Tobacco Products* / economics
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • World Health Organization