Aim: Determine qualitative and quantitative criteria of evaluation of features for natural, natural-anthropourgic and anthropourgic foci of hantaviruses (using hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome--HFRS foci as an example), that have formed in various areas of Saratov Region.
Materials and methods: Epizootological and epidemiologic data from 1998 to 2012 were analyzed. During this period in all the types of foci of Atkarsk area (Northern barrens) 13,004 trap-nights were worked off, 2577 small mammals were procured. Genetic, population-ecological and ecological-epizootological methods and criteria were used for comparative analysis of 3 types of loci: PCR diagnostics and sequencing of pathogenic for humans hantaviruses, species cadaster and features of season dynamics of species composition of hantavirus carriers, domination indexes, parameters of quantity and infection of carriers by hantaviruses; distribution of the latter by biotopes, degree and character of population contacts with natural-foci complexes, epizootic potential of foci.
Results: Based on multi-year data analysis features of 3 types of HFRS foci were shown in various, mostly forest, biotopes of Northern and a part of typical barrens. A stable domination of Pumala genotype hantavirus was noted; a weakly expressed circulation in parasite systems with Apodemus genus carriers, first of all Dobrava genotype Apodemus agrarius, was established as well.
Conclusion: A certain specter of most universal criteria;that are closely interconnected, are necessary during typing of HFRS foci and a number of other zoonozes.