Objectives: To describe the local control of breast cancer, including initial biopsy, lumpectomy or mastectomy, and sentinel node biopsy or axillary node dissection, and to discuss the role of radiation therapy following lumpectomy or mastectomy in advanced cancer.
Data sources: PubMed, Scopus, Cochran.
Conclusion: The local treatment of breast cancer is an essential component of primary breast cancer treatment. Residual cancer cells may increase the risk of recurrent ipsilateral disease.
Implications for nursing practice: Nurses and advanced practice nurses who provide care for cancer survivors should possess the skills to patiently teach information, empathetically understand the flagrant or suppressed emotional turmoil, explain the full complement of treatment options, appreciate the rationale behind choices made, and help patients navigate the educational and decisional byways.
Keywords: Surgery; breast cancer; lumpectomy; mastectomy; sentinel lymph node biopsy.
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