The binding of the anti-cancer drug pixantrone to three oligonucleotide sequences, d(TCATATGA)2, d(CCGAGAATTCCGG)2 {double bulge = DB} and the non-self complementary d(TACGATGAGTA) : d(TACCATCGTA) {single bulge = SB}, has been studied by NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling. The upfield shifts observed for the aromatic resonances of pixantrone upon addition of the drug to each oligonucleotide confirmed the drug bound by intercalation. For the duplex sequence d(TCATATGA)2, NOEs were observed from the pixantrone aromatic H7/8 and aliphatic Ha/Hb protons to the H6/H8 and H1' protons of the C2, A3, T6 and G7 nucleotides, demonstrating that pixantrone preferentially binds at the symmetric CpA sites. However, weaker NOEs observed to various protons from the T4 and A5 residues indicated alternative minor binding sites. NOEs from the H7/H8 and Ha/Hb protons to both major (H6/H8) and minor groove (H1') protons indicated approximately equal proportions of intercalation was from the major and minor groove at the CpA sites. Intermolecular NOEs were observed between the H7/H8 and H4 protons of pixantrone and the A4H1' and G3H1' protons of the oligonucleotide that contains two symmetrically related bulge sites (DB), indicative of binding at the adenine bulge sites. For the oligonucleotide that only contains a single bulge site (SB), NOEs were observed from pixantrone protons to the SB G7H1', A8H1' and G9H1' protons, confirming that the drug bound selectively at the adenine bulge site. A molecular model of pixantrone-bound SB could be constructed with the drug bound from the minor groove at the A8pG9 site that was consistent with the observed NMR data. The results demonstrate that pixantrone preferentially intercalates at adenine bulge sites, compared to duplex DNA, and predominantly from the minor groove.