This study assessed feelings of differentness in children with phenylketonuria (PKU) and elicited parental coping strategies. A total of 22 parents of 7- to 12-year-old patients with PKU completed qualitative interviews, which assessed whether they think their children feel different from their peers and identified potential solution strategies. The results showed that most parents indicated their child feels different due to PKU, which is frequently triggered by situations surrounding food. PKU community involvement and educating others about PKU were perceived by parents as useful coping strategies. Talking to children about differences was frequently used but one of the least effective strategies. Extended family, clinicians, and teachers also attempted to help children cope with feeling different with varying degrees of success. We concluded that most parents perceive that their child with PKU feels different and have developed strategies to manage these feelings. However, a subset struggle with helping their child cope and may benefit from assistance from healthcare providers.
Keywords: adaptation; child; emotions; parents; phenylketonuria; psychological.
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