Copy number variations (CNVs) on the short arm of chromosome 19 are relatively rare. We present a patient with a tandem de novo 3.9 Mb duplication of 19p13.12p13.2 and an adjacent 288 kb deletion of 19p13.12. The CNVs were detected by genome wide SNP-array and confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Mate-pair sequencing revealed two breakpoint junctions leading to a germline tandem inverted duplication and an adjacent deletion. The patient had a major congenital heart defect and refractory edema leading to metabolic and endocrinological disturbances. Further complications occurred due to refractory chylothorax, severe inflammatory response syndrome, and repeating sepsis. After 2 months, the child died due to intractable respiratory failure. The phenotype of this patient was compared with reported patients with overlapping deletions or duplications. We conclude that the congenital heart defect, respiratory insufficiency, and abnormal neurologic examination are most likely due the contiguous gene deletion/duplication.
Keywords: chromosome 19 duplication and deletion; congenital heart disease; mate-pair sequencing; refractory edema.
© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.