Supratentorial white matter is an important part of the brain and a major site of detrimental effects after whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT). It is not known if prevalence of metastases in white matter justifies standard inclusion of white matter in whole brain treatment. In this retrospective analysis we examined the frequency of metastasis in supratentorial deep cerebral white matter with cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Deep white matter (DWM) was defined as white matter in corpus callosum with forceps anterior and posterior and centrum semiovale. Lesions extending from grey matter, gyrus or ventricles into white matter were not classified as DWM metastases. Brain MRI of 198 patients from two centres were analyzed. In total 1330 metastases were counted and only 4.6% were located in DWM. Metastases in DWM were small (median diameter 6 mm). Only 1/41 patients (2%) with a singular metastasis had a DWM metastasis, 2/35 patients (6%) with 2 metastases had a DWM metastasis, 14/79 patients (18%) with 3-9 metastases and 12/43 patients (28%) with >9 metastases had a single or more DWM metastases (p = 0.003). There appeared to be tumor related differences with renal cell carcinoma showing significantly more DWM metastasis (6/17, 35%), than NSCLC (11/85, 13%, p = 0.024), breast cancer (1/20, 5%, p = 0.019) or colorectal cancer (0/10, 0%, p = 0.033). Overall, relevant preservation of DWM from metastases, especially in oligometastatic disease, was shown. This implies that DWM in patients with only few brain metastases is unnecessarily damaged by conventional WBRT.