Emergent rescue operation for expanding mycotic pseudoaneurysm causing hemoptysis, originating from right subclavian artery

Ann Vasc Dis. 2015;8(1):62-5. doi: 10.3400/avd.cr.14-00116. Epub 2015 Mar 9.


Mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the subclavian artery is uncommon and its therapeutic strategy has not been established. We report a case of 81-year-old woman with mycotic pseudoaneurysm in the right subclavian artery. Blood culture showed Enterobacter cloacae. Because of hemoptysis and acute expansion of the pseudoaneurysm, emergent coil embolization was performed, but failed. The patient underwent urgent operation for an en-bloc resection of the pseudoaneurysm after aorto-right common carotid artery bypass followed by omentum packing. The patient underwent continuous wound irrigation for 3 weeks. The postoperative course was uneventful and without recurrence of infection.

Keywords: mycotic pseudoaneurysm; saphenous vein graft; subclavian artery.

Publication types

  • Case Reports