We review the evidence that BECTS may be associated with cognitive dysfunction and behavioral problems, the extent to which these problems may be associated with patterns of EEG abnormalities in BECTS, and the impact of antiepileptic medication on cognition and behavior in BECTS. A growing literature examining cognitive and behavioral outcomes suggests that children with BECTS perform below the level of their peers. Consistent with this, neuroimaging studies reveal that BECTS has an impact on structural and functional brain development, but the potential influence of frequency and lateralization of centrotemporal spikes (CTS) on cognition and behavior is not well understood. Treatment with AEDs is an option in BECTS, but existing studies have not clearly shown a clear relationship between elimination of CTS and improved cognitive or behavioral outcomes.
Keywords: Antiepileptic drugs; Behavioral outcomes; Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes; Cognitive outcomes; Rolandic epilepsy.
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