The lost art of whole blood transfusion in austere environments

Curr Sports Med Rep. 2015 Mar-Apr;14(2):129-34. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000130.


The optimal resuscitation fluid for uncontrolled bleeding and hemorrhagic shock in both pre- and in-hospital settings has been an ongoing controversy for decades. Hemorrhage continues to be a major cause of death in both the civilian and military trauma population, and survival depends on adequacy of hemorrhage control and resuscitation between onset of bleeding and arrival at a medical treatment facility. The terms far-forward and austere are defined, respectively, as the environment where professional health care providers normally do not operate and a setting in which basic equipment and capabilities necessary for resuscitation are often not available. The relative austerity of a treatment setting may be a function of timing rather than just location, as life-saving interventions must be performed quickly before hemorrhagic shock becomes irreversible. Fresh whole blood transfusions in the field may be a feasible life-saving procedure when facing significant hemorrhage.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Blood Transfusion / methods*
  • Blood Transfusion / trends
  • Environment*
  • Hemorrhage / diagnosis
  • Hemorrhage / therapy
  • Humans
  • Resuscitation / methods*
  • Resuscitation / trends
  • Shock, Hemorrhagic / diagnosis
  • Shock, Hemorrhagic / therapy