In June 2010, a 67-year-old man presented with advanced gastric cancer. He underwent 2 courses of combination chemo- therapy with S-1/CDDP. After chemotherapy, total gastrectomy was performed (pT4aN3aM0, Stage IIIC). Although he underwent S-1 chemotherapy, colon tumors recurred 22 months after the operation. Colonoscopy revealed the presence of type 2 advanced cancer in the ascending colon, and type IIa early cancer in the transverse colon, which were diagnosed as either primary colon cancers or recurrent gastric cancers upon pathological examination. In October 2012, resection of the right side of the colon was performed in order to prevent malignant bowel obstruction. Pathological examination of the resected specimen identified recurrent gastric cancers. After the surgery, he is currently undergoing S-1 chemotherapy and has no sign of recurrent tumors.