Growth hormone (GH) has been recently approved by the Italian Health Authorities for use in transition patients with childhood onset-growth hormone deficiency (CO-GHD). GH in addition to promote linear growth influences several key metabolic processes. In particular, in the transition period, from late adolescent to early adulthood, GH plays an important role in the achievement of a complete somatic development including body composition, muscle mass maturation, full skeletal mineralization and reproductive maturation, as well as in the prevention of metabolic and cardiovascular risk. Therefore, GH replacement should be restarted if a GH stimulation test at the re-evaluation fulfills established criteria. Endocrinologists experienced in the care of GHD adolescent patients held a workshop in Rome, Italy in July 2012 to review in detail the literature data and compare experiences of five Italian endocrinological centers on the negative consequences of interrupting GH treatment and the positive effects of continued GH replacement on intermediary metabolism, heart, muscle, pubertal development, and bone. The aim of the meeting was to delineate the state of the art on GH therapy in transition age and provide suggestions to pediatric and adult endocrinologists for a smooth transition care.