Thirty-one samples representing Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy (AILD), and benign follicular hyperplasia in HIV infections were examined for rearrangements of the immunoglobulin (Ig) and T cell receptor (TcR) beta-chain gene loci. In 11 of 12 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (classified as Burkitt lymphoma (2), centrocytic lymphoma (1), centrocytic-centroblastic lymphoma (5), centroblastic lymphoma (3], only rearranged Ig genes could be detected. The exceptional case was an unclassified high-grade lymphoma, which represented a rearrangement of the TcR beta-chain. We also examined DNA from lymphoid neoplasms in which the lineage of the malignant cell was still controversial. Rearrangement of the TcR could exclusively be demonstrated in all 3 cases of AILD. One Ig gene rearrangement and 4 TcR beta-chain rearrangements were found in 13 samples of Hodgkin's lymphomas (11 lymph nodes, 1 pleura effusion and 1 bone biopsy with proven infiltration). Examination of 3 cases of benign follicular hyperplasia in HIV infection represented one Ig rearrangement.