[Jugular vein reconstruction by longitudinal constriction suture venoplasty and microvascular anastomosis]

Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2014 Oct;32(5):476-9. doi: 10.7518/hxkq.2014.05.012.
[Article in Chinese]


Objective: To seek a new method for reconstructing bilateral intemrnal jugular vein invaded by metastasis lymph node in advanced oral cancer patients.

Methods: A combination of microvascular anastomosis and longitudinal constriction suture venoplasty was performed to reconstruct internal jugular vein. We resected the part of the bilateral internal jugular vein of advanced oral cancer patients invaded by metastasis lymph node and used the external carotid vein to reconstruct the internal jugular vein. A part of the vessel wall of the internal jugular vein could also be resected to reconstruct the vein. Longitudinal constriction suture venoplasty could slowly narrow the lumen diameter of the internal jugular vein. Thus, difference in anastomosis diameter should be avoided because it generates eddy currents and subsequently causes blood clots. A total of five advanced cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were involved in this study. We performed bilateral radical neck dissection on all patients to reconstruct the internal jugular vein and observed their postoperative conditions.

Results: Postopera-tive follow-up of 5 months to 19 months was performed on all patients. Doppler or CT angiography and related tests showed no internal jugular vein thrombosis. No patient with facial edema, throat swelling, cerebral edema, and high intracranial pressure or other serious complications caused by blocked venous blood was observed. The one-year survival rate of five patients was 60% (3/5).

Conclusion: Microvascular anastomosis combined with longitudinal constriction suture venoplasty is a new method for reconstructing internal jugular vein. This method was proved successful and clinically feasible.

目的: 探讨晚期口腔癌患者颈部转移淋巴结累及双侧颈内静脉时血管的处理新方式。

方法: 采用显微血管吻合术和血管纵向缩缝术相结合的方法重建颈内静脉。当晚期口腔癌患者的双侧颈内静脉均与周围可疑癌转移的淋巴结粘连紧密时,可以节段性切除颈内静脉,采用颈外静脉重建颈内静脉,或仅切除部分颈内静脉血管壁;同时对颈内静脉的近心端和远心端纵向缩缝,使静脉管径均匀变化。选择5例接受双侧根治性颈淋巴清扫手术治疗的口腔鳞状细胞癌患者,采用该方法重建颈内静脉,观察手术效果。

结果: 5例患者术后均未出现因静脉回流不畅导致的面部水肿、咽喉部水肿、脑水肿、颅内高压等严重并发症,未出现颈内静脉栓塞。术后随访5~19个月,采用多普勒或CT血管造影等检查颈内静脉的通畅情况,均未发现栓塞。5例患者的1年生存率为60%(3/5)。

结论: 血管纵向缩缝联合显微血管吻合术是一种有效的处理颈部转移淋巴结累及双侧颈内静脉时的新方法,该方法具有良好的效果及可行性。

MeSH terms

  • Carcinoma, Squamous Cell*
  • Constriction
  • Humans
  • Jugular Veins*
  • Lymphatic Metastasis
  • Mouth Neoplasms*
  • Neck Dissection
  • Plastic Surgery Procedures*
  • Postoperative Period
  • Sutures