Presented herein is a clinical case report concerning successive use of hybrid technology in secondary surgical treatment of a patient with a progressing aortic arch aneurysm and aortic insufficiency, type A chronic aortic dissection after the primary operation of plasty of the aortic valve with prosthetic repair of the ascending aortic portion for type A acute dissection. The patient underwent hybrid operation: prosthetic repair of the aortic valve with mechanical prosthesis "Carbomedics", prosthetic repair of brachiocephalic branches by means of synthetic prostheses "Vascutek" with their switching to the prosthesis of the ascending aorta, stenting of the arch and descending portion of the aorta. The duration of the postoperative hospital stay amounted to 15 days. The control multispiral computed tomography with intravenous contrasting showed that the reconstruction zone was with no deformities, with the stent graft expanded, and no leaks noted. The conclusion was made that further improvement of hybrid technique can make it a true alternative to classical surgical operations in this severely ill cohort of patients. The presented clinical example demonstrates that simultaneous hybrid surgical intervention is the most correct approach in the given situation decreasing lowering the risk of the development of complications in both immediate and remote postoperative period.