An equivalent realization of coherent perfect absorption under single beam illumination

Sci Rep. 2014 Dec 8:4:7369. doi: 10.1038/srep07369.


We have experimentally and numerically demonstrated that the coherent perfect absorption (CPA) can equivalently be accomplished under single beam illumination. Instead of using the counter-propagating coherent dual beams, we introduce a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) surface as a mirror boundary to the CPA configuration. Such a PMC surface can practically be embodied, utilizing high impedance surfaces, i.e., mushroom structures. By covering them with an ultrathin conductive film of sheet resistance 377 Ω, the perfect (100%) microwave absorption is achieved when the film is illuminated by a single beam from one side. Employing the PMC boundary reduces the coherence requirement in the original CPA setup, though the present implementation is limited to the single frequency or narrow band operation. Our work proposes an equivalent way to realize the CPA under the single beam illumination, and might have applications in engineering absorbent materials.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't