Objective: To establish the quality standard for Aconiti Tatsiehensis Radix.
Methods: TLC was used to detect yunaconi- tine and talasamine in Aconiti Tatsiensis Radix. HPLC was adopted to determine the content of yunaconitine. Moisture,ash,acid insolu- ble ash and ethanol soluble extractive were determined according the procedures recorded in the Appendix of Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 edition). The microscopic identification was also carried out.
Results: Aconiti Tatsienensis Radix had obvious microscopic char- acteristics,and its TLC identification had a good resolution with clear spots. An average content of moisture was 11. 48%, ash was 4. 83% ,acid insoluble was 1. 81%, ethanol soluble extractive was 20. 46% and yunaconitine was 0. 23%.
Conclusion: The established standard is acceptable for quality evaluation of Aconiti Tatsienensis Radix.