We have found that endotoxemia detected by conventional LCT (limulus colorimetric test) in patients with liver diseases could not be detected by endotoxin-specific LCT at all, and proposed that this beta-glucan like activity (BGLA) should be termed as non-septic endotoxemia, distinguishing it from septic endotoxemia seen in gram-negative sepsis. In this study, we investigated non-septic endotoxemia through the clinical course of 8 cirrhotic patients. Non-septic endotoxemia appeared at the onset of DIC but tended to decline in level in the late terminal stage. This phenomenon cannot be consistent with the "spillover" theory which explains the mechanism of endotoxemia without sepsis in liver disease. We think it is an urgent problem to elucidate the nature of BGLA in liver disease, without recourse to the "spillover" theory.