Background: Postoperative pancreatic fistula associated with mortality and morbidity remains an intractable problem after pancreaticoduodenectomy. To date it still carries a notable incidence of roughly 10% to 30% in large series in spite of numerous pharmacological and technical methods that have been proposed to achieve a leakproof pancreatic remnant.
Methods: In order to perform a safe anastomosis to pancreatic remnant with less sophisticated sutures and shorter operative duration, a fast and simple technique of end-to-end invaginated pancreaticojejunostomy with three overlapping U-sutures was devised in our institution.
Results: Between April 2011 and July 2013, end-to-end invaginated pancreaticojejunostomy with three overlapping U-sutures technique was used in 23 consecutive cases that underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy in our institute. The median operative time for pancreaticojejunostomy was 12 min. The incidence of pancreatic fistula was 8.7% (n = 2) and both cases were grade A fistula with no clinical impact or delayed hospital discharge. Neither relaparotomy nor postoperative mortality was observed.
Conclusions: The technique of using three overlapping U-sutures in an end-to-end invaginated pancreaticojejunostomy represents a simple management of pancreaticoenteric anastomosis with reliability and applicability, and provides an alternative choice for pancreaticojejunostomy to senior pancreatic surgeons as well as those without experience.
Keywords: pancreatic fistula; pancreaticoduodenectomy; pancreaticojejunostomy.