The many advantages of the zebrafish model provide a unique opportunity to integrate the tools of developmental embryology, transgenesis, and functional assays to elucidate the molecular pathways underlying hematopoiesis and for modeling human blood diseases. These methodologies have recently been applied to the zebrafish mast cell lineage and have resulted in a better understanding of vertebrate mast cell biology. By employing whole-mount in situ hybridization alone and in combination with co-localization approaches, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and morpholino gene knockdown studies, new insights into early mast cell transcriptional regulation and ontogeny have been exposed in vivo. Transgenic strategies have permitted the modeling of human mast cell diseases, like systemic mastocytosis in zebrafish, which can subsequently be exploited for high-throughput chemical screens to identify potential therapies in these conditions. Mast cell functional assays have been adapted to zebrafish providing the opportunity to utilize this model for interrogating the cellular players in innate and adaptive immunity and as a live animal readout for drug responses in allergic and inflammatory reactions. These techniques are detailed in the following chapter.