Fast calculation of the quality factor for two-dimensional photonic crystal slab nanocavities

Opt Express. 2014 Sep 22;22(19):23349-59. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.023349.


We developed a method that can accurately calculate the theoretical quality factor (Q) of a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab nanocavity at a very high speed. Because our method is based on a direct calculation of the out-of-slab radiation loss rate, it does not suffer from in-plane loss, and this allows us to obtain the same Q with 0.18 times less calculation volume. In addition, we can obtain the Q immediately after finishing the cavity excitation, because our method uses only a snapshot of the wavevector space distribution of the resonant mode in contrast to the conventional method, where we need to fit the electro-magnetic field with an exponential decay that requires a relatively long data set. For a width-modulated line defect cavity that has a Q of 8.5 × 10(7) we obtained the same value as with a conventional method but with 94% less computation time.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Computer Simulation*
  • Computer-Aided Design*
  • Crystallization
  • Equipment Design
  • Nanotechnology / instrumentation*
  • Optics and Photonics / instrumentation*
  • Photons*