Polarized UV cured reactive mesogens for fast switching and low voltage driving liquid crystal device

Opt Express. 2014 Sep 8;22(18):21551-9. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.021551.


Uniaxial alignment of liquid crystals (LCs) is prerequisite for a vast number of LC applications. To accomplish stable and uniform LC orientation, an alignment process to orient the LCs is required. Herein, we demonstrate a simple strategy for fabricating novel LC alignment layers that ensures well aligned LC, superior switching without any capacitance hysteresis, low transmittance loss, and high thermal stability with sufficient anchoring action. Thin films of reactive mesogens (RMs) were transferred onto conventional homeotropic polyimides from a UV-cured RM stamp via contact printing. LC displays using defect free RM/PI polymeric stacks exhibited superior electro-optic (EO) properties to those containing rubbed PI layers. This approach allows for the fabrication of various-mode LC displays such as twisted nematic (TN), in-plane switching (IPS), and optically compensated bend (OCB) mode LCDs by changing the combinations of RMs, base PIs and LCs.