Circular enamel hypoplasia: a rare enamel developmental disturbance in permanent teeth

J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Aug;8(8):ZD39-40. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/9483.4750. Epub 2014 Aug 20.


Circular enamel hypoplasia, a type of enamel hypoplasia is an extensive enamel disturbance that results in a demarcating line surrounding the crown of the injured teeth visible both clinically and radiographically that most frequently occurs as a result of trauma in children around the age of two years. Clinical features include poor aesthetics, dentin sensitivity, increased susceptibility to dental caries and malocclusion. Early radiographic diagnosis of such teeth is important for timely intervention and subsequent treatment.

Keywords: Circular enamel hypoplasia; Demarcating line; Developmental defects; Enamel matrix; Esthetics; Traumatic injuries.

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  • Case Reports