Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of respiratory guidance system in 4-dimensional computed tomography (4 DCT) based respiratory-gated radiation therapy (RGRT) by comparing respiratory signals and dosimetric analysis of treatment plans.
Methods: The respiratory amplitude and period of the free, the audio device-guided, and the complex system-guided breathing were evaluated in eleven patients with lung or liver cancers. The dosimetric parameters were assessed by comparing free breathing CT plan and 4 DCT-based 30-70% maximal intensity projection (MIP) plan.
Results: The use of complex system-guided breathing showed significantly less variation in respiratory amplitude and period compared to the free or audio-guided breathing regarding the root mean square errors (RMSE) of full inspiration (P = 0.031), full expiration (P = 0.007), and period (P = 0.007). The dosimetric parameters including V(5 Gy), V(10 Gy), V(20 Gy), V(30 Gy), V(40 Gy), and V(50 Gy) of normal liver or lung in 4 DCT MIP plan were superior over free breathing CT plan.
Conclusions: The reproducibility and regularity of respiratory amplitude and period were significantly improved with the complex system-guided breathing compared to the free or the audio-guided breathing. In addition, the treatment plan based on the 4D CT-based MIP images acquired with the complex system guided breathing showed better normal tissue sparing than that on the free breathing CT.