Background: The aim of this study was to develop a valid tool for internal process analysis of stroke management in order to identify possible improvements.
Method: 939 stroke patients were classified into DRG diagnoses. Specific parameters known to influence the length of stay were analysed. Subgroup analyses were carried out in patients with TIA regarding a) differences between the neurological sections/ wards, and b) length of stay in correlation with resident level of training and the physician staffing in the particular department/ ward over the year.
Results: A difference in the length of stay of 1-2 days was revealed between the neurological departments/wards. Transfer to rehabilitation centres increased the length of stay by 5 days. Length of stay correlated with the training level of residents and staffing in the department/ward. Capacity overload due to reduced staffing or high fluctuation of staff increased the length of stay significantly.
Conclusion: TIA patients were shown to be a homogeneous subtype of stroke patients, who can be used as a valid tool to analyse internal processes. This analysis revealed that length of stay depends on resident level of training and workload.