The beardless sucking bard, Garra imberba, is an important economic freshwater fish with very limited yield. In this study, we successfully sequenced the first mitochondrial genome of G. imberba by PCR. The mitogenome is 16,600 bp in length, containing 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes and a control region (D-loop). The overall base composition of the H-strand is 31.5% A, 26.7% T, 16.1% C, and 25.8% G, with a slight AT bias of 58.2%. Most of the genes are encoded on heavy strand, except for eight tRNAs (tRNA(Gln), tRNA(Ala), tRNA(Asn), tRNA(Cys), tRNA(Tyr), tRNA(Ser), tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Pro)) and ND6 genes.
Keywords: Garra imberba; labeoninae; mitochondrial genome.