Objective: We studied the microbial interaction between anaerobic fungi and methanogens in the rumen of Holstein Cow.
Methods: Co-cultures of anaerobic fungi with indigenously associated methanogen were isolated by Hungate roll-tube technique. The anaerobic fungi were identified by morphology and 4', 6 diamidino-2-phylindole nucleus staining and the methanogens were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing.
Results: A total of 28 co-cultures of anaerobic fungus with indigenously associated methanogen were obtained. The anaerobic fungi in the co-cultures were identified as monocentric genera Piromyces, Neocallimastix and Caeomyces. The indigenously associated methanogens were Methanobrevibacter olleyae like and Methanobrevibacter thaueri like strains. Four different phylotypes of fungus-methanogen co-cultures were obtained, which were Piromyces/Methanobrevibacter olleyae like strains, Neocallimastix/ Methanobrevibacter olleyae like strains, Neocallimastix/Methanobrevibacter thaueri like strains and Caecomyces/ Methanobrevibacter olleyae like strains.
Conclusion: Our study isolated and identified 28 co-cultures of anaerobic fungus and associated methanogens, which provided new materials for further study the mechanism of methane emission in the rumen.