Superconductivity at the onset of spin-density-wave order in a metal

Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Mar 22;110(12):127001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.127001. Epub 2013 Mar 20.


We revisit the issue of superconductivity at the quantum-critical point (QCP) between a 2D paramagnet and a spin-density-wave metal with ordering momentum (π, π). This problem is highly nontrivial because the system at criticality displays a non-Fermi-liquid behavior and because the effective coupling constant λ for the pairing is generally of order one, even when the actual interaction is smaller than fermionic bandwidth. Previous study [M. A. Metlitski and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 82, 075128 (2010)] has found that the renormalizations of the pairing vertex are stronger than in BCS theory and hold in powers of log(2)(1/T). We analyze the full gap equation and argue that summing up of the leading logarithms does not lead to a pairing instability. Yet, we show that superconductivity has no threshold and appears even if λ is set to be small, because subleading logarithmical renormalizations diverge and give rise to a BCS-like result log1/T(c) ∝ 1/λ. We argue that the analogy with BCS is not accidental as at small λ superconductivity at a QCP predominantly comes from fermions that retain Fermi-liquid behavior at criticality. We compute T(c) for the actual λ ∼ O(1), and find that both Fermi-liquid and non-Fermi-liquid fermions contribute to the pairing.