It has been proposed that proprioceptive input is essential to the development of a locomotor body schema that is used to guide the assembly of successful walking. Proprioceptive information is used to signal the need for, and promotion of, locomotor adaptation in response to environmental or internal modifications. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if tendon vibration applied to either the hamstrings or quadriceps of participants experiencing split-belt treadmill walking modified lower limb kinematics during the early adaptation period. Modifications in the adaptive process in response to vibration would suggest that the sensory-motor system had been unsuccessful in down weighting the disruptive proprioceptive input resulting from vibration. Ten participants experienced split-belt walking, with and without vibration, while gait kinematics were obtained with a 12-camera collection system. Bilateral hip, knee, and ankle joint angles were calculated and the first five strides after the split were averaged for each subject to create joint angle waveforms for each of the assessed joints, for each experimental condition. The intralimb variables of stride length, percent stance time, and relative timing between various combinations of peak joint angles were assessed using repeated measures MANOVA. Results indicate that vibration had very little impact on the split-belt walking adaptive process, although quadriceps vibration did significantly reduce percent stance time by 1.78% relative to the no vibration condition. The data suggest that the perceptual-motor system was able to down weight the disrupted proprioceptive input such that the locomotor body schema was able to effectively manage the lower limb patterns of motion necessary to adapt to the changing belt speed. Complementary explanations for the current findings are also discussed.
Keywords: Coordination; gait kinematics; proprioception; split-belt treadmill; vibration.