Neuropeptide S (NPS) is an endogenous peptide that exerts wakefulness promoting, analgesic, and anxiolytic effects when administered exogenously. However, it remains to be determined if endogenous NPS tone is involved in the control of the diurnal sleep-wake cycle, or spontanous behavior. In this study, we examined the effects of the NPS receptor antagonist [D-Cys((t)Bu)(5)]NPS (2 and 20 nmol, icv) on physiological sleep and spontaneous locomotor behavior. The higher dose of [D-Cys((t)Bu)(5)]NPS decreased the amount of time spent in wakefulness [control 782.5 ± 25.5 min, treatment 751.7 ± 28.1 min; p<0.05] and increased the time spent in NREMS [control 572.6 ± 17.2 min, treatment 600.2 ± 26.1 min; p<0.05]. There was no statistically significant difference in time spent in REMS. There were no behavioral changes including abnormal gross motor behavior in response to [D-Cys((t)Bu)(5)]NPS administration. Collectively these data suggest an involvement of the endogenous NPS/NPS receptor system in physiological sleep architecture.
Keywords: EEG; Locomotor activity; Neuropeptide S; Sleep; Wakefulness.
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