Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of methazolamide as a potential therapy for type 2 diabetes.
Research design and methods: This double-blind, placebo-controlled study randomized 76 patients to oral methazolamide (40 mg b.i.d.) or placebo for 24 weeks. The primary efficacy end point for methazolamide treatment was a placebo-corrected reduction in HbA1c from baseline after 24 weeks (ΔHbA1c).
Results: Mean ± SD baseline HbA1c was 7.1 ± 0.7% (54 ± 5 mmol/mol; n = 37) and 7.4 ± 0.6% (57 ± 5 mmol/mol; n = 39) in the methazolamide and placebo groups, respectively. Methazolamide treatment was associated with a ΔHbA1c of -0.39% (95% CI -0.82, 0.04; P < 0.05) (-4.3 mmol/mol [-9.0, 0.4]), an increase in the proportion of patients achieving HbA1c ≤6.5% (48 mmol/mol) from 8 to 33%, a rapid reduction in alanine aminotransferase (∼10 units/L), and weight loss (2%) in metformin-cotreated patients.
Conclusions: Methazolamide is the archetype for a new intervention in type 2 diabetes with clinical benefits beyond glucose control.
© 2014 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered.