This overview focuses on the follow up after uterine cervix and corpus cancers. At early stage, both are associated with good prognosis. Screening for recurrence is mainly based on clinical examination. Screening for a second cancer after endometrial cancer is already planned according to the French recommendations for systematic breast and colon cancer screening. Screening for a second cancer after cervical cancer requires a close examination of organs close to the cervix receiving high doses of radiations and HPV exposed (anus, vulva, vagina and perineum). Late chemotherapy related toxicity after both cancers is rarely encountered and mainly comprise neurological peripheral effects. Late surgical and/or radiation related side effects are more frequent. However, no more than 10% of patients are affected and in such cases, digestive, urinary and lymphatic systems are impaired. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in patients with uterine cancers is particularly high but the radiotherapy related anatomical modifications (vaginal stenosis for example) might not be the sole reason. Fertility preservation is possible for uterine cancers but requires a rigorous selection of candidates and should be coordinated by specialized team.