Recovery is a widely discussed concept in the field of research, treatment, and public policy regarding serious mental illness, and mainly schizophrenia. Aim of our study was to assess the relationship between personal recovery and prediction variables, as psychopathology, neurocognition, clinical and cognitive insight, and social functioning in inpatients affected by schizophrenia, with a special interest on cognitive insight. We assessed 76 inpatients affected by schizophrenia at their hospital discharge. Instruments included the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale, the Insight Scale and the Recovery Assessment Scale to assess the cognitive and clinical insight, and personal recovery. The neurocognitive assessment was represented by a single factor score produced by a principal components analysis of a neurocognitive test battery. Social functioning was measured also. Low self-reflectiveness of cognitive insight represented the best predictors of personal recovery. The relationship between cognitive insight and recovery found in this study may contribute to develop tailored interventions, taking into account the personal sense of recovery, despite the psychopathological evaluation.