Non-invasive methods to detect small intestinal bacterial overgrowth often lack specificity in patients who have undergone an ileal resection or have an accelerated intestinal transit. Since elevated serum unconjugated bile acid levels have been found in patients with clinical signs of bacterial overgrowth, we studied the clinical value of unconjugated serum bile acids as a marker of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Patients with culture-proven bacterial overgrowth had significantly elevated fasting unconjugated serum bile acid levels (median and range: 4.5; 1.4-21.5 mumol l-1) as compared to healthy subjects (0.9; 0.3-1.7 mumol l-1, P less than 0.005), to persons with an accelerated intestinal transit (1.0; 0.3-1.9 mumol l-1, P less than 0.005) and to persons who have undergone an ileal resection (2.1; 0.7-3.6 mumol l-1, P less than 0.005). The same was true 30 and 60 min after ingestion of a Lundh meal. Serum unconjugated bile acid levels above 4 mumol l-1 were found in eight of 10 patients with culture-proven small intestinal bacterial overgrowth whereas serum levels above 4 mumol l-1 were found in none of the patients from the three control groups. These results suggest that determination of unconjugated serum bile acids is of clinical value in the evaluation of patients suspected of small intestine bacterial overgrowth.