Exploring the relative bending of a CVD graphene monolayer with gap-plasmons

Nanoscale. 2014 Aug 21;6(16):9763-6. doi: 10.1039/c4nr01586j.


We report a spectroscopic indicator showing the bending of a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene monolayer on Cu foil or an arbitrary substrate after transfer. Using a Au nanoparticle (NP)-graphene monolayer-Au thin film (TF) junction system, the Radial Breathing-Like Mode (RBLM) Raman signal from the sandwiched graphene monolayer is evidently observed by employing a local z-polarized incident field formed at the Au NP-Au TF junction. We also utilized the RBLM intensity as a quantitative tool with a wide dynamic range (∼300%) compared to the 2D peak width (∼35%) for determining the relative degree of bending on the Au TF substrate. The RBLM signal from the CVD graphene monolayer is anticipated to be used as a valuable marker in exploring out-of-plane directional properties.