The dynamics of cochlear excitotoxicity can be monitored from effects on the contralateral ear. After unilateral mechanical ablation of the cochlea (in a mouse model) we observed immediate elevations in auditory brainstem evoked response (ABR) thresholds in the contralateral ear. Threshold elevations peaked at 2-3 h post ablation, and returned to baseline levels after 5-6 h. These contralateral effects are initiated by cochlear afferent injury discharges most likely activating the olivocochlear efferent system. Six hours after cochlear injury, ABR thresholds were fully returned to pre-lesion baseline levels and remained normal for up to 10 days of monitoring. We have confirmed that our cochlear ablation procedure increases short-term activity levels in the auditory brainstem and midbrain using c-fos labelling. The study provides insight into the dynamics of glutamate excitotoxicity, a pathological process directly related to acute tinnitus after acoustic trauma, and more generally implicated in many types of brain injury and neuro-degenerative disease.
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