Our previous report demonstrated that two human cardiac alpha- and beta-myosin heavy-chains (MHCs) which correspond to MYH6 and MYH7 respectively, according to Human Gene Mapping nomenclature, were mapped to human chromosome 14 and that human cardiac and skeletal MHC genes do not cosegregate. For further analysis, the regional mapping method was used. DNA from 4 human deletion and 3 human duplication cell lines were prepared for southern blotting, hybridized with human cardiac alpha- and beta-MHC DNA probes, and the hybridization intensity relative to 46,XX or 46,XY DNA was estimated. The results showed that two human cardiac MHC genes segregated with the 14cen----q13 region of the long arm of human chromosome 14. In situ hybridization of 3H-labeled human cardiac alpha-MHC probe to normal human metaphase chromosome independently confirmed this result.