α-Synuclein (α-Syn), a major component of Lewy body that is considered as the hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD), has been implicated in neuroexocytosis. Overexpression of α-Syn decreases the neurotransmitter release. However, the mechanism by which α-Syn buildup inhibits the neurotransmitter release is still unclear. Here, we investigated the effect of nonaggregated α-Syn on SNARE-dependent liposome fusion using fluorescence methods. In ensemble in vitro assays, α-Syn reduces lipid mixing mediated by SNAREs. Furthermore, with the more advanced single-vesicle assay that can distinguish vesicle docking from fusion, we found that α-Syn specifically inhibits vesicle docking, without interfering with the fusion. The inhibition in vesicle docking requires α-Syn binding to acidic lipid containing membranes. Thus, these results imply the existence of at least two mechanisms of inhibition of SNARE-dependent membrane fusion: at high concentrations, nonaggregated α-Syn inhibits docking by binding acidic lipids but not v-SNARE; on the other hand, at much lower concentrations, large α-Syn oligomers inhibit via a mechanism that requires v-SNARE interaction [ Choi et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2013 , 110 ( 10 ), 4087 - 4092 ].