Background: In adults, the Post-Anesthetic Discharge Scoring System (PADSS) was built to secure the discharge after outpatient surgery. We evaluate a pediatric adaptation: the Pediatric-PADSS (Ped-PADSS).
Study design: Prospective cohort.
Methods: This was a prospective, observational, monocentric study for ambulatory patients. Ped-PADSS is built on 5 items each quoted 0, 1, or 2: hemodynamics, state of awakening, nausea/vomiting, pain and bleeding. A result ≥9/10 validated discharge if the anesthetist did not wish to review the patient, if the parents did not wish to revisit the anesthetist or if there was no hoarseness or dyspnea. The discharge was validated by the anesthetist and the surgeon. Ped-PADSS was made without the knowledge of the nursing team, one hour after return in service and repeated hourly. Addition of patient demographic data, the collection included the hours of leave by the anesthetist, surgeon and Ped-PADSS, the duration of hospital stay post procedure.
Results: On 150 patients, 148 patients were allowed to go out with the Ped-PADSS, one patient was released despite a Ped-PADSS<9. One patient was hospitalized for a surgical bleeding in agreement with the anesthetist, surgeon and the Ped-PADSS. Ninety-five percent of patients had a Ped-PADSS ≥9 after 2hours monitoring in the ambulatory unit.
Conclusion: The majority of the children have met the criteria for discharge at the end of 2hours postoperative monitoring. The use of this score could reduce the hospitalization time in ambulatory unit.
Keywords: Chirurgie ambulatoire; Discharge score; Output surgery; Pediatric; Pédiatrie; Score de sortie.
Copyright © 2014 Société française d’anesthésie et de réanimation (Sfar). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.