Under the conditions of economic pressure in the medical system and the DRG system for hospitals in Germany, so-called "uneconomic" services and fields of specialized dermatologic competence such as pediatric dermatology, trichology, occupational dermatology and tropical dermatology are increasingly being neglected. While hospitals tend to train fewer residents in these subspecialties, there is a demand for additional high-quality training opportunities that are certified by the German Dermatologic Academy (DDA). Tropical and travel-related skin diseases are more frequently observed in Germany which can be explained by the increased world-wide travel activities, but also by the international migration from developing countries into Europe. Furthermore, dermatologists trained in Germany are working more and more also internationally. Thus, they require knowledge and experience in tropical and travel-related dermatology. The certificate "Tropical and Travel Dermatology (DDA)" was developed and published in 2013 in a cooperation between the International Society for Dermatology in the Tropics in cooperation with the German Academy of Dermatology (DDA). It consists of 3 full day teaching modules (basic, additional and special seminar). The first seminar cycle in 2013/2014 showed a high demand from dermatologists in hospitals and private practices. While the basic and the special seminars were held in Germany, the additional seminar took place in cooperation with the Regional Dermatology Training Center (RDTC) in Moshi, Tanzania. Many attending dermatologists fulfilling the requirements for the new certificate have practiced in developing countries or plan to do so. In order to gain practical experience on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the qualifying seminars, the International Society for Dermatology in the Tropics supports dermatologists to find internships and work placements in dermatological units in developing countries.