Understanding modesty and how it relates to religiosity among Jewish women was relatively unexplained, and as part of a larger study, a measure was needed. The purpose of this article is to report on three studies which represent the three stages of instrument development of a measure of modesty among Jewish women, "Your Views of Modesty": (a) content/concept definition; (b) instrument development; and (c) evaluation of the psychometric properties of the instrument: reliability and validity. In Study I, Q methodology was used to define the domain and results suggesting that modesty has multidimensions. In Study II, an instrument was developed based on distinctive perspectives from each group or what was important and not so important. This formed a 25-item Likert scale. In Study III, a survey of 300 Jewish women revealed internal consistency estimates with Cronbach's alpha 0.92, indicating high degree of internal consistency reliability for "Your Views of Modesty." For construct validity, four factors were found explaining 55% of the variance of modesty: (a) religion-driven, (b) maturity-driven, (c) esteem-driven, and (d) public-based modesty was identified. "Your Views of Modesty" shows good evidence for reliability and validity in this Jewish population.