Aim: Cauda equina syndrome is a rare but highly impairing syndrome involving lower limbs as well as urinary, defecatory and sexual function. In the literature the most investigated sphincter dysfunction is the urinary. Bowel and sexual function are often overlooked since they become more relevant after the acute phase.
Patients and methods: Eight consecutive male patients affected by cauda equina syndrome with sphincter dysfunction due to herniated disc disease of lumbar spine were treated between 2007 and 2009. Five patients were followed-up for at least two years. Sexual function was evaluated by IIEF-5 questionnaire; bowel function was investigated by means of clinical and instrumental investigation and manometry.
Results: Although little clinical improved, patients still complained severe symptoms at first year follow-up while all but one improved significantly in the following year. At two years follow-up only the patient whose cauda equina syndrome was misdiagnosed and surgically treated late respect to the onset of the syndrome, complained a persistent severe sexual and bowel dysfunction.
Conclusions: Our results show that a long-term follow-up is mandatory to evaluate the real outcome of surgical managed cauda equine syndrome because short-term evaluation could be misleading about the residual capacity of late neurologic improving. Despite the relatively low number of cases evaluated, our results confirm that early diagnosing and treating the syndrome are relevant for the final outcome.